Thursday, February 2, 2012

Cooking For a King

It's a good thing that I like to cook because it seems like my husband's favorite foods cannot be duplicated with some Sandra Lee easy fix shortcut method or a Sara Lee frozen product.

His favorite waffles come from his mom's recipe. She was a home ec teacher and a hard act to follow!  The waffle recipe involves melting butter, sifting dry ingredients, separating the eggs, beating the whites, and folding them in at the last. 

Our family likes their waffles soft and fluffy and no toaster waffle comes out that way! It's hard to believe, but our big stainless steel waffle maker wedding gift of 46 years still works fine.  And yes, I do actually use it about twice a month!

Bob's favorite desserts are vanilla homemade ice cream or coconut cream pie with meringue.  Both time consuming, but I must admit they're delicious. 

Here's my recipe for the pie in case the photo makes you hungry and you have a little time on your hands.

Never Fail Coconut Cream Pie

1 cooked pie crust
3 T cornstarch
1 T flour
2/3 C white sugar
2 C milk
1/4 t salt

Mix these together in a heavy saucepan and bring to a boil.  While stirring, boil 1 minute.  Remove and quickly pour 1/2 of the hot mixture into 4 beaten egg yolks.

Then stir in 1 1/2 T butter and 2 t vanilla extract

Mix well and bring back to a boil for 1 minute until the custard is very thick.

Remove from heat and add 1 cup coconut and pour into baked pie shell.  Then pile on meringue.


Beat 4 room temperature egg whites until just frothy in electric mixer and leave it setting.  Then mix these together in a saucepan.

9 T sugar
1 1/2 T cornstarch
3/4 C water

Bring this mixture to a boil until it has thickened.  Turn mixer back on and gradually add the hot mixture to the frothy egg whites.  Add 1 t vanilla or coconut flavor. Beat about 4 minutes, scraping sides of pan often. 

Then pile meringue onto the pie sealing the edge well and sprinkle about 2 T coconut on top.

Bake at 375 degrees just until coconut is browned.  Remove and cool in a draft free spot.

Hope you enjoy this too!