Monday, June 20, 2011

He Knows My Name

Last week our 4 year old grandson came for a farm visit.  His name is Brody but at least twice a day I called him Brian!  It was 40 years ago when his daddy Brian was this age, but the resemblance and actions are just so similar, it’s uncanny.

Now we have Brody’s sister Abby here and I’m having different flashbacks.  People say my granddaughters look like me, but Abby looks so much like the photos of my own mom when she was young.   Big brown eyes, thick dark hair, petite, pretty.  I can hardly look at Abby without thinking of mom.

Abigail Grace Wright

My mom Neomi Marie Johnson Stauffer

My graduation photo: DeAnna Stauffer Wright
 Mom died at age 64 with only one grandchild.  She never knew the names of her 4 great granchildren.  Never got to hold them, read to them, cook with them, go to their programs, or take them fishing. Sometimes that thought saddens me. She loved kids and would have enjoyed watching them grow up so much. 

I like to do family genealogy research and sometimes I find an old photo that looks just like a descendant maybe 4 or 5 generations later.  Love that.  Family traits can be very strong.  My mom Neomi didn't look much like her mother, but she really favored her grandmother Florence.

Florence Rosella Thomas Green

Cynthia Jeanette Crafton Wright
Mother of our 4 precious grandkids and another brown eyed beauty!

I’ve always appreciated the way Abraham’s death is described in Genesis 25:  “he breathed his last, died in a ripe old age, satisfied with life, and was gathered to his people.” What a comforting thought:  gathered to his people.  My mom had a difficult life and she didn’t reach a ripe old age, but she was satisfied with life and it’s comforting to know she too was gathered to her people.

 When I think about God looking down and knowing intimately all the tens of thousands of people in even just my direct family line, it’s hard to imagine He never forgets a name.  But I know it’s true. 

What a grand family reunion we’ll have in heaven someday!  Mom will finally get to love on Haley, Abby, Brody, and Blaze.  We'll be on a first name basis with everyone who's ever claimed that most precious Name of all...Jesus.

The Lord, your Creator, and the One Who formed you says
“Don’t fear. I have redeemed you and called you by name.  You are mine.”
Isaiah 43:1










  1. DeAnna,

    Reading your blogs and the seeing the pictures you have posted have made me smile, invoked good memories, caused me to reflect and taught me new things and good lessons. You have been blessing my life since even before you taught that small group of junior high students in the little corner room of the old Driftwood "parsonage".

    Thank you -- I look forward to reading much more!

  2. And People there will say I cant belive you are here!!!! :-)
    ps love the pictures!!!!!!
