Friday, July 31, 2015

Keeping Our Own Domain

Pulling weeds and pondering angels this morning; an odd combo but so relevant for today in America perhaps.

With all our rains the past few months, nature has gone wild in our yard. Prolific pig weeds, ghastly goose grass, sorry sedge, canny crabgrass, and quack grass (needs no adjective!) are my sworn enemies. 

But then I find the things I actually wanted and planted are trying to take over one another too! I spent a good deal of sweat and time today trying to tame the sweet potato vine enveloping the fish pond, the 4 o'clocks sprouting in the liriope, the forsythia crossing the border, and the trumpet vine trying to establish itself in the lawn. 

This all reminded me of Jude 1:6 that talks about "angels who did not keep their own domain, but abandoned their proper abode."  I cannot even imagine how God felt when angels whom He created from nothing and who had the perfect life in heaven, decided they wanted to do their own thing and escape the borders of safety and joy He had set for them.

Even the flowers and veggies I plant and tend, I didn't really create, and their rebellious rambling still frustrates me.  Oh, how, we must break God's heart when we jump the fences He has set for us too!  Trying to re-label sin to make it more acceptable, ignoring or revising His clear teachings, and forgetting it was He who made us, and not we, ourselves. 

Forgive our sinful sightseeing, Lord, and thank you so much for your patience, longsuffering, and mercy when we abandon our proper place as well.

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