Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Have you ever noticed that when someone tells you a pet peeve or something that they dislike, even if it never bothered you before, you start feeling the same way?

Once Mom mentioned that potholders always had a uniquely bad smell, even after you washed them.  I started sniffing mine and sure enough there was a funky odor I’d never noticed before and now I can’t stand it either!

Back in the days when I sewed most of my own clothes, a seamstress friend told me that she liked all of the sewing process except the cutting out of the pattern.  And sure enough after that, I started disliking that step too.

My husband likes button-down collared shirts.  Sometimes he just throws them in the laundry and I grumble when I have to unbutton all those little buttons before putting them in the washer.  I know, I should just be happy that he’s basically a clean, neat guy and puts his dirty clothes in the hamper and not on the floor,  but I’m the improver type, so I asked him to try to remember to unbutton them.  Guess what?  Now he doesn’t like to do it either!

I’ve decided that sharing pet peeves is not really a beneficial activity.  I probably shouldn’t even be writing this.  So if you're out there smelling your potholders, please forgive me!

 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, or admirable...if anything is excellent or praiseworthy...think about such things.

                                                                         Philippians 4:8

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